Three proven healing techniques combined: The Emotion Code to remove the emotional blocks that prevent you from healing and living your best life. Energy Balancing By Numbers & Advanced Cell Training (ACT) to help restore you to good physical health.

Paul is an intuitive energy healer specializing
in chronic and difficult to heal physical and emotional symptoms. Read more >
Is Energy Healing The Future Of Medicine?
"Everything is energy."
-- Albert Einstein
What Are Your Goals?
Do you want better health, emotional stability, wholesome relationships, or more personal success?
The Wellness Codes could be the missing piece to your health puzzle!
Some experts say that 90% of the pain we experience is from trapped emotions. If it seems like something is blocking you from achieving your objectives, it’s very likely that emotional baggage is at the root of poor health, harmful relationships or destructive behaviors.
Whether you are chronically ill, emotionally drained, frustrated with your financial situation, or just want to live a better quality of life, I will work closely with you to help you achieve your health and wellness goals right from the comfort of home!
With over 25 years of experience in the alternative health and natural healing arts, I have observed countless bodies healing themselves once they are back in balance. I will work with you to clear out what is harmful so that you are more capable of healing. I care deeply about every one of my clients and will do everything in my God-given power to help you achieve your goals.
"I don't just believe in miracles – I have come to expect them."
- Paul Callahan
CLICK HERE to read Paul's Heart Wall article from Spirit of Change Magazine!

What happens during a healing session?
Can I do this from home?

The Wellness Codes is a powerful combination of three highly effective healing methods that complement each other wonderfully. All can be done by phone, Skype, or in person.
The first is The Emotion Code. This energy healing technique was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is designed to release trapped emotions in the body from unhealed traumas we experience in life. Often these negative energies are responsible for our pain, disease, illness and can prevent our body from healing. They can also block us from feeling positive emotions and cause self-sabotage.
The second method is Energy Balancing By Numbers. Developed by Lloyd Mear, a retired civil engineer. Lloyd discovered that the human body is made up of over 1.2 million different frequencies. If any of these frequencies go missing or get distorted it can cause imbalances in our body leaving us vulnerable to exposures in our environment. By installing these numbers in a homeopathic manner we can return the body to homeostasis and allow it to heal itself naturally. There are thousands of numerical sequences that can be utilized by the body for improved health. Read more >
What do all these diagnoses have in common?
Rheumatoid Arthritis • Lupus • Parkinson's • Lyme Disease • Fibromyalgia • Multiple Sclerosis • Cancer • ALS
Crohn's Disease • HIV/AIDS • Alzheimer's • RSD/CRPS • Seizures • Asthma • Allergies • Insomnia
Neck & Back Pain • IBS • Migraines • Chronic Fatigue • Depression • Anxiety • PTSD • Phobias • Addiction • Eczema

Mechanism by which Adverse Childhood Experiences influence health and well-being throughout lifespan
What they all have in common, in most cases, is an underlying cause of unhealed emotional trauma from the past. The medical community has a test to determine a patient's risk factor for being chronically ill in life. That test is called the ACE Test, which is an acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. It has been my experience that over 90% of chronically ill people have unhealed traumas that cause trapped negative energies in the body that weaken the immune system leaving the person vulnerable to exposures like pathogens, allergens, and toxins. These same trapped emotions can cause symptoms and prohibit healing. Take the ACE Test now.
Schedule a 30-minute Free Phone Consultation so you can see if these sessions are a good fit for you.
Please complete and submit your online Health Form and email a picture of yourself for muscle testing.
Following your phone consultation, Book your appointment for a 60-minute remote healing session.
You must release the negative in order to manifest the positive.
Are you ready to unlock the door to your healing? Are you ready to stop being a victim of your past and instead be victorious? Are you committed to change into a better you? If so, The Wellness Codes may be a great fit for you!
Now is the time to take that first step and please contact my office for a complimentary phone consultation so you can see if my services are a good fit for you. Your problems have a solution, but you need to make the first move! Don't waste another day before you decide to get your good health back.
Information enables action, and action leads to results. In the end, all that matters is RESULTS.