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Group Healing Calls

Teleconference CROP

General Group

General Group Call

The General Healing Group Calls are for anyone who wants to resolve chronic physical symptoms and emotional issues. The calls are conducted by phone only, not video conferencing. These calls are on Thursday at 7:00 pm Eastern - 4:00 pm Pacific. Calls are 60 to 70 minutes in length and are anonymous, only first names are used. All three healing techniques will be used, starting with Emotion Codes, followed by Balancing By Numbers, and Advanced Cell Training (ACT). The cost is $39 per call, and the number of participants is limited to only 5 in a group. These calls sell out fast, so don't miss out!


*You must have a Free Phone Consultation with Paul prior to being on a Group Healing Call.

Lyme Disease Group

Paul Callahan

The Lyme Disease Healing Group Calls will be conducted every other Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern - 5:00 pm Pacific. The primary healing method in the Lyme Group will be Advanced Cell Training (ACT). Paul used the ACT program in 2008 to rid his body of 30+ symptoms of chronic Lyme and Bartonella, then went on to work at the ACT clinic for 10 years. The clinic helped thousands of people with Lyme Disease. The ACT clinic is no longer open, but the program lives on with The Wellness Codes. The Emotion Code and Balancing By Numbers will also be used in the Lyme Group. The cost is $39 per call and is limited to only 10 participants in the group. 

*You must have a Free Phone Consultation with Paul prior to being on a Group Healing Call.

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